“One of the best groups I have ever attended. Never expected it to have such an impact on my life, with all my relationships and self awareness and continue to do do nearly 2 years later. The girls were fantastic at their job and wish you every success xx Thank use for everything. I will never forget how you helped me through a very difficult time."

"I have thoroughly enjoyed this group. It has taught me so much about the importance of our emotional well-being and how our children literally feed from us physical AND emotionally. I felt comfortable enough to share my personal experiences with the group and felt I was getting therapy and it was all for free!”                                

“I really loved this group and have found it beneficial and helpful to a lot of stressful areas in my life. It has really helped me find myself again and also understand myself and other people in my life, giving me coping mechanisms for negative situations. I feel 100 times better now than I did at the beginning. Don’t want it to end!”

“I am more calm now in stressful situations and feel a lot happier and motivated to be a better Mummy by changing my actions.”

“My awareness and understanding of the impact of stress has made me want to make changes to reduce my stress levels. The action plan on our last session (today) has really helped me with this.. "

“Was a bit emotional going back to things in my past, but understand that this is key to developing good relationships with my partner/children, friends and family. Would feel comfortable in approaching Deirdre and Marie in the future for any support or information I wanted. Excellent class. Loved it!”

Start from the Heart, facilitated for Surestart